Lo-fi LODES...

Just a quick post today to show some progress on another R mapping hobby project - rendering LODES data in the style of a wind vector map. In essence, trying to elicit the broad directional patterns of worker commutes across a metropolitan region - in this case, San Francisco.

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County 2 County

Up today: a brief little mapping exercise in leaflet for R, combined with htmlwidget’s saveWidget function that allows users to create a simple map in leaflet, compile it to HTML and upload onto the web.

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More Shiny stuff

In the interest of just slappin all of my Shiny cards on the table, here are the links to the other Shiny apps I’ve created so far in my R journey (that I can reasonably share).

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The first post...

Welcome to my new blog, folks! I hope to make this the page where I share recent discoveries and creations in the wild world of R and spatial analysis, Shiny apps, and general nerdiness.

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